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CIFPs is a community for Certified Financial Planner® professionals. Members can be CFP® certificants and Registered Retirement Consultants®/Conseillers en Retraite® and Conseillères en Retraite® in good standing. An associate class of membership is open to other stakeholders including:
- students enrolled in an accredited CFP certification educational program, who can become Student Members
- FPSC Level 1 certificants, who have completed the FPSC Level 1 Examination on the path towards CFP certification, who can become Associate Members and
- individual investors, who can become Investor Members
Our financial planning community is extended to other stakeholders through co-operation and alliances. Corporate affiliate memberships are available to firms and organizations wishing to contribute to our community. We will work closely with Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC) to achieve our vision and mission.
On the international front, CIFPs will work with The Financial Planning Association ("FPA") in the United States, an organization that represents US CFP practitioners and has similar core values to CIFPs, to address common issues and needs of financial planners across borders.
CIFPs is a member of The Convention of Independent Financial Advisors ("CIFA")—a non-profit Swiss foundation created in 2001 to protect and defend the interests of financial advisors at the national and international level. CIFA has been recognized as a Non-Governmental Organization in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations' Economic and Social Council. CIFPs' membership in CIFA will help us understand global financial events that may affect Canada's domestic economy and the interests of our Members and, will further enhance the CIFPs brand globally.
CIFPs is also participating in international meetings sponsored by the FPA with financial planners from other countries to share ideas and best practices for the benefit of Members both politically and for their practice management needs.
CIFPs will always be about education and we will deliver the best industry education through our subsidiary The Canadian Institute of Financial Planning.
CIFPs does not award the CFP® and Certified Financial Planner® designation. The right to use the marks CFP and Certified Financial Planner is granted under license by FP Canada to persons who have met its education standards, passed the FP Canada Certified Financial Planner examinations, satisfied a work experience requirement and who have agreed to abide by the FP Canada Code of Ethics.